

A sophisticated version of famous brazilian songs

Artista: Tamanduà

With the original musical arrangements of the guitarist Pino Arborea the “Tamanduà” project experiments with the classic repertoire of the Bossa Nova and other Brazilian musical genres such as Samba, Frevo and Choro. This first work which is supported by an intense “live” experience, is a concrete example of the intentions of this group: to give a modern and fresh interpretation of the Brazilian musical tradition. With the exceptional use of three female voices that weave magical and melodic sounds with amazing harmonies, the Tamanduà give a new interpretation of it’s genre, manteining at the same time the true spirit of Brazilian music.

Tamanduà personnel:
Pino Arborea – classic guitar & vocals
Anna Maria Giglitto – vocals
Elena Guarducci – vocals
Maria Palmerini – vocals & percussions

Special guests:
Andrea Donnini – flugelhorn on The look of love
Marco Pezzola – piano on The look of love
Marco Cattarossi – electric bass on Samba da rosa, Fato consumado, Mas que nada
Maurizio Bozzi – double bass on O que sera` & The look of love

Tamanduà medley (A rã – Agua de beber – Triste – Vivo sonhando – Samba da bènção)
Samba da rosa
Fato consumado
Samba de uma nota sò
Festa do interior
Mas que nada
O que sarà
Essa moça ta diferente
Choro medley (Brasileirinho – Delicado)
The look of love